Thursday, April 15, 2010


It has been a while since I last posted. I first started this to coincide with my 100 day challenge when I started it again last August. Life has been a real roller coaster but things are on amazing rise, and it looks like it will not stop! I recently made the above picture my wallpaper at work. You can get a larger version of it here. We are the creators of our lives. Find your focus on something that always makes you feel better, follow it down the path and the world will come into focus for you.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Mushroom Rissotto and Red Hook Slim Chance

Wow, this recipe: plus Red Hook Slim Chance:
The beer itself is OK by itself, but I find its character really explodes together with my rissotto dish! I highly recommend it. I went a little heavier on the garlic in my recipe by accident but it seems to be coming out nicely. Still in process of cooking it now as we speak.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Unexpected life

Life will often send you on unexpected curves. I was thrown into an unexpected curve today, however, I am actually very happy with the results. You have to accept these twists and turns that life throws you. Move with it, do not slow down! When life throws you challenges, move with it, flow with it, attack it! Everything is going to work out great if you keep yourself focused on the outcome.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Martha Speaks

I have recently found myself falling in love with a new cartoon from PBS called "Martha Speaks". It is a heartwarming show about a dog that has learned how to speak after eating Alphabet Soup. I highly recommend this show to anyone who has children of all ages and to people who own dogs. While Martha is able to speak, she is still a dog and everything that comes out of her mouth is what you would expect a dog to say. You cannot help but smile and laugh as you watch this show. You can find the show available for purchase from the iTunes and streaming free from this link below:

First posting

Welcome to my new blog. In here I will write whatever thoughts come into my mind in the day. I am starting my 100 day challenge once more so I plan to be a more positive person throughout this journey. In this blog you will find thoughts of inspiration, interesting comings in the world and I shall share my mind with this wonderful world. Enjoy your stay.